Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)

Digital crime scene documentation

On October 1, 2021, the BKA and the Berlin Police started the INSITU project (“in situ” Latin for: in original location, at the place of origin) within the Police 20/20 program.

INSITU is a software system consisting of a smartphone app, a web application and a shared data model.

What is the goal?

The documentation of all relevant information at a crime scene is a time-critical task and places the highest demands on the forensic personnel with regard to the complete recording of all traces, evidence and connections.

Logo Polizei 20/20

The primary goal of the INSITU project is to digitally record traces including all dependencies already at the location of the incident and to transfer the data to further processing systems without media discontinuity.

The INSITU app aims to enable comprehensive, permanent and automated digital crime scene documentation. This is intended to eliminate time-consuming and labor-intensive processes, improve communication and the exchange of information, and accelerate crime scene work as a whole.

A special feature of INSITU is the integration of all available data in a single crime scene information model. This includes the common types of documentation such as photos, notes, sketches and audio recordings, which can be easily captured via smartphones and tablets. In addition, data from digital cameras, laser scanners and 360 ° cameras can also be linked with the INSITU crime scene model.

The advantage of the project is that it can build on the results of a previous BMBF research project (2018 – 2021, see Link), in the course of which a first demonstrator system could already be developed.


BKA: kt24-insitu@bka.bund.de

Berlin Police: insitu@polizei.berlin.de