Bundeskriminalamt (BKA)

The textile reinforcement used leads to an increase of characteristic features through which manufacturers can be ascertained, and allows comparisons to be conducted in a more differentiated way. The textile reinforcement used leads to an increase of characteristic features through which manufacturers can be ascertained, and allows comparisons to be conducted in a more differentiated way.

Frequently tape fragments are left behind at the scene of crime of an explosion, either from the original fixing, or the components of the explosive device itself. This trace material often offers clues pointing to the offender, as it “conserves” fingerprints and microscopic traces, such as hair, fibres, epithelium cells or soil traces. Moreover, the forensic examination of cut edges or manufacturing marks can be worthwhile, if reference material from evidence secured from suspects is available. Further examinations of the tape provide information about its structure, composition and uses, and possibly the manufacturer as well.